Disclaimer-Read before proceeding with the contents of this blog

The entire contents of this blog are meant for pure reading pleasure. Nothing on this blog should ever be taken as advice to trade under any circumstances. By entering and reading this blog, you have agreed that I am not in anyway responsible for your trading outcomes.

I am NOT A PROFESSIONAL FINANCIAL ADVISER, and the analysis is just a market novice's opinion.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Return of the Forune Teller.

Alright i have returned..sorry if I had disappointed anyone by not returning here to give my weekly updates. And since I have returned, I will announce some promises to the readers of my blog, however few there are out there.

Firstly, I intend to make this blog more personal to the readers. I know my previous postings were really to say, formal and monotonous. I welcome any suggestions to improve on the personal touch of this blog. As I will promise, this blog will belong to all my readers. Secondly, I promise to further improve on the quality of my posting, but at the same time retain the simplicity of the message behind it. Readers would realize that every posting would now come with a trading hypothesis, that is which direction I think a stock will take in future, and the trading recommendations and alternative hypothesis, ie. what other possible scenarios would happen. However guys, please do bear in mind that I am also a learning trader/ investor. I am not any professional, but I ll do my best in my analysis!

Lastly, if readers find my posts interesting, I will appreciate it if you guys leave a message on the tag board. It would really make a difference! If you do happen to disagree with any of my opinions, please by all means shout out in the shout box. I always welcome a different voice = )

Happy Trading

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