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The entire contents of this blog are meant for pure reading pleasure. Nothing on this blog should ever be taken as advice to trade under any circumstances. By entering and reading this blog, you have agreed that I am not in anyway responsible for your trading outcomes.

I am NOT A PROFESSIONAL FINANCIAL ADVISER, and the analysis is just a market novice's opinion.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Presenting the most popular stock-Genting Singapore

We have come to an interesting junction yet again for genting, when we are up against the historical price resistance of 1.18. Today a graveyard candlestick was observed, which could signal some difficulty in crossing over this price level. However, as a rising tide lift all boats, given bullish market conditions, we might very well see genting breaking out of this resistance, which would give rise to a stronger pulse of rally.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Another Wave of Correction Incoming?

At this point of time, it is sufficient to assume that there arent many positive indicators around to suggest that there might be a turnaround in global market sentiments. In the short term, there does not appear to be any light at the end of the tunnel for the European debt crisis. For one night, the Dow could be up over a hundred points, and then down by another hundred for the next night.

In the worst case senario, we could be witnessing a major correction of the STI of more than 20% this time round. The last time it happened from April 15, it was only about 12.5%.